Quality assurance
Diakonia’s quality assurance runs through all our work and includes handbooks on planning, monitoring and evaluation (PME), as well as on human resources and administrative routines. Evaluations are also crucial.
Guidelines also applicable to partner organizations
Apart from our internal handbooks, we also have guidelines that apply to specific situations. One example is the procurement guidelines, which apply both to Diakonia and to partner organizations when we use Diakonia funds to purchase goods or services.
Quality assurance in the fundraising
Regarding fundraising that takes place in Sweden among private donors, Diakonia is under the supervision of Swedish Fundraising Control. This organization is in turn a member of the International Committee on Fundraising Organizations (ICFO) and cooperates with sister organizations in other countries.
Diakonia is also a member of the Swedish Fundraising Council (FRII), an organization that among other things promotes ethical and professional fundraising.

Quality assurance in development aid
Both recipient and donor countries are responsible for assuring the quality of aid and that the money donated is used for the purposes such as combating poverty, protecting human rights, preserving the environment and promoting democratisation. Diakonia is working in various ways to improve the quality of aid. Two examples are described in the following.
We support local partner organizations so that they can help shape their individual countries’ strategies for eradicating poverty.
In Sweden, we lobby to influence public opinion so that Sweden, the EU, the IMF and the World Bank improve their support to poor countries.
Member of CHS Alliance
Diakonia is part of the international CHS Alliance. Through our membership, Diakonia has committed to uphold the highest standards in all parts of our long-term development and humanitarian work. To ensure accountability towards the different stakeholders, Diakonia works continuously to comply with the CHS standards.
Complaints and Response Mechanism
Diakonia encourages everybody to hold us accountable to our commitments. If we are not living up to our commitments, there are possibilities to file a complaint through our Complaints and Response Mechanism.
Swedish Fundraising Control
For our fundraising among private donors in Sweden, Diakonia is under the supervision of the entity Swedish Fundraising Control.
Swedish Fundraising Association
Diakonia is a member of the Swedish Fundraising Association (Giva Sverige), an organization that among many things promotes ethical andfrii giva professional fundraising.