A group of Guatemalan women.

How we work

Diakonia does not implement or carry out projects on its own. Instead, we support and cooperate with local partner organizations. We often give institutional support, based on our strategy for change and a rights-based approach.

A Zimbabwean woman in a room in a boxing pose.

Long-term development work

The expression “long-term commitment” may be the most important when describing how Diakonia works. We and the change makers in our global network know that it is possible to change the world. But we also know that it takes time and demands stubbornness and persistence.

En grupp människor, några med munskydd, sitter på en kärra. I bkagrunden syns höga träd.


Diakonia’s policy stems from people’s conviction, faith and commitment, and their vision of being able to transform these into actions. The document is based on the firm belief in people’s equal value and the right of all people to a dignified life.

Three men walking down a hill, carrying bags, chairs and other large objects.

Humanitarian assistance

When a disaster takes place, the characteristics of Diakonia’s work change. In a primary phase, the goal is to save lives. Then comes the reconstruction phase, which is gradually integrated into Diakonia’s long-term development work.

Two Guatemalan women wearing face masks handling food packages

Quality Assurance

Quality assurance permeates the work of Diakonia. It includes, for example, handbooks on planning, monitoring and evaluation (PME) as well as handbooks on human resources and administrative routines. Evaluations are also crucial.

A group of girls at a bicycle rally in Bangladesh. One girl is lifting her hand up.

Advocacy and Policy

Diakonia is an awareness raiser and advocacy organization. We strive to present concrete proposals on how politics and policies in Sweden and the EU can be improved, not only criticising what we think is wrong.

Closeup of two women sitting by a loom, weaving.

Donors and Partners

In this section you find information that is of particular interest for financers and partners. The rights perspective permeates all of Diakonia’s work – internally and in relation to partners and donors.


Diakonia is committed to uphold the highest level of standards throughout all its work: whether long-term development and humanitarian work or communication, advocacy or fundraising.

To ensure our accountability towards the different stakeholders, Diakonia is constantly working with improving compliance and is a member of and has made a self-assessment against the Core Humanitarian Standard and will be certified during 2020.

Some of the strategic affiliations

Diakonia is an active member of several networks:

Diakonia is also a member of CHS Alliance and ACT Alliance.